Tuesday, February 12

Scars Are Beautiful

Scars are beautiful,
whosoever said so
felt none of the heartbreak
that comes with each.
I'm covered,
prodigal scars aplenty,
showing them off,
like battles won so far
but where's win count
when heart lies dilapidated?

Constant reminder these scars,
never let you heal
Time fades it over years,
but in some - pain remains.
Prodigal scars return,
Black and blue on my body -
Your pain passing through me.
Cuts and blood showing -
Yet I manage strong face.
Movement and thought distorted -
All seems disdained.

Scars are beautiful
say men who give them
'cause how else you justify
the pain your woman sustains.
You thrash and throw -
You hold me by my throat.
You push and I bleed -
You tell me my mistake.
You yell and cut me -
You still act a victim.

Yes, I did call for these scars
It's all my fault
I've given you space,
thought man of a beast.
Scars are beautiful
wish I could slash one open
disfigure your face forever
Then have the courtesy to remain
true to your promise
I'll then agree to each word.
Yes! Scars are beautiful.